Friday, January 27, 2006


I realized today, while daydreaming in the car and jamming to our new CD, (okay, okay...I like it too!!!) that I have a lot of resources available to me. People with ideas and talents who can help make my MG novel a huge success. I have this HUGE idea for a book launch. It's totally possible. And so, so cool! I just have to write the darn thing. I wonder if anyone has ever written a book by starting with the marketing plan? In case you're wondering if I'm off on another tangent...I might be. But, it is SO related to the big idea I had last week.


At 7:24 AM, Blogger Don Tate II said...

Best of luck! Yes, there are always good resources around you. Use them, thank them and offer them your talents.

At 4:46 AM, Blogger القمر السعودى said...

شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
شركة تخزين عفش بالرياض
شركة تنظيف بسكاكا


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