Monday, January 16, 2006

Best idea ever

This may well be my best idea ever. We'll know in a few days. If I'm still writing this one, I'll know it can at least hold my attention for a while. That's my biggest problem with writing a novel. My short attention span.

My novel idea could go both YA or MG. So, laundry and dishes are done. Work is done. Kids are in bed. Puke* cleaned up. I'm going to grab a notebook and brainstorm in a nice, hot bubblebath. :Giggles: I just love this idea! I hope it looks as good in paper as it does in my mind.

Thanks to Kelly and Lisa for suggesting MG novels (on my LJ...I keep two blogs because I'm still deciding which place I like best.)I'll order the ones I haven't read from my library.

*Yes, we had a day off of school, big plans. We were at the mall buying jeans at Gap Kids. Then, a quick trip to Build a Bear for some clothes for the bear (S hit the jackpot. Her $11 item came to just over $1 because I happened to have a full punch card! She was spending Christmas $$, so she got a real bargain!). We never finished our shopping because A had a bad tummy ache. Doubling over at Build a Bear. We rushed home, cancelled our afternoon playdate and curled up for naps. Then, the vomiting began. I'm SO glad she is old enough to make it to the bathroom...and her aim is good. Fortunately, my kids don't get stomach illnesses often. Keeping my fingers crossed that no one else comes down with this.


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