Thursday, February 09, 2006

Virtual Writing Assistant

How would you like your own Virtual Writing Assistant? If you get stuck while writing, a charming assistant pops onto your desktop. "Hello, Kim! I see you're having difficulty today. May I suggest some possible plot points? Would you like to brainstorm? Could I suggest a few publishers? I am here to help with all your writing needs."

Last night, I had a dream that I had a Virtual Writing Assistant. Guess who it was? Cynthia Leitich Smith popped onto my screen right where that little paper clip guy comes up in Word. She spoke in this calm, futeristic voice and sat cross-legged like Jeanie in I Dream of Genie. Maybe that's what we need when our muse takes a vacation. Just turn the little switch to ON and our own personal muse appears!

If you haven't already checked out Cynthia's newly-designed site, go now! Between the blog and the site, she is a true Virtual Writing Assistant. She may not pop onto your screen and talk to you, but if you read the site, you get a pretty good idea of what she'd have to say!


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