Monday, September 12, 2005


I have a secret. I received a magnificent book in the mail today. I can't wait to tell you all about it. I've read it twice so far. It's a picture book, and it's one of those books that keeps popping back into my mind. Probably Guilty Mom disease. I'll try to post a few thoughts tomorrow when my brain cells have been restored. Did I mention it has an incredible teaching guide and a really fun interactive promotion?


Just back from my critique group meeting. Once again, they told me that my story was a magazine story, not a PB. Gosh, I read enough picture books, you'd think I could figure it out!

Forgot to mention last week when I did that long post about my zoo-like home.... S (4.5) cut K's (14 months) hair on Friday. S will not admit to it, even after hubby tried to break her down for hours this weekend. She has her story (well, stories, actually!), and she's sticking to it.

At first, she said, "K cut her own hair. I sat there and watched her do it." When I asked why she didn't tell me that K had scissors, she said, "Because you were too busy." When I asked what K did with the hair, she said, "She brushed it into the carpet." When I asked when it happened, she said, "When I was making a telescope with scissors and wrapping paper."

Friday night, when Hubby grilled her, she said that Barbie came out of the Barbie Beauty Boutique computer game with her scissors and cut K's hair.

I either have a baby genius or a pathological liar on my hands! S still won't back down today. K hasn't shown any skill with scissors since then. What was I doing when all this cutting was taking place? I think I was taking out the trash.


At 8:52 PM, Blogger Susan Taylor Brown said...

Oh gosh - love the hair cut. And she's not a pathological liar, she's a future writer.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Kim / POWER OF RUN said...

Yes, she is quite a good story teller. A and S both have strong creative sides. When I left for my critique group meeting tonight, A was on her bed drawing.

At 5:43 AM, Blogger Chris Barton said...

Great story, Kim! We haven't had any sibling-on-sibling haircutting yet, but the self-administered haircut gene runs in our family. I butchered my hair right before Christmas when I was five, and my older son took after his own head at almost exactly the same age.

He hasn't learned his lesson yet -- he still gives it a try every few months, with predictable results...

At 1:13 PM, Blogger liraelwiddershins said...

Oh, give! Is it one a publisher sent you or one of the ones I just sent?


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