Friday, June 03, 2005

Had a Ball with My Bookworm

It rained all day today. We couldn't go out until late in the day because I had to wait for a charity to come pick up my zillion bags of junk I dug out of closets. Eventually, we made it to the library. It was so much fun watching A select her books. She didn't want any help, so S, K and I went off to the puzzle corner.

I could see her in the stacks just behind us. It was too, too cute! She stood on the step stool to reach the books on the top shelf. She brought her over-loaded book bag to me. She went back to select more books. She finally stopped with 15 books and two videos. She joined the summer reading program and then started reading in the car on the way home.

All this after we went to the book store to use a birthday gift certificate. Among other things, she selected an art book that provides step-by-step instructions for drawing the old cartoon characters. She's already pretty good at Scooby after just one night.

We were looking for the American Girl books and Little House books. I'll either need to buy these used or rely on the public library. Oy! Talk about an expensive collection.

In other good news, I asked the children's librarian how often our branch receives the new releases. She reminded me that I could put in an interlibrary loan request and get any book I time. I may need to do that. I'm spending a small fortune on books!


At 9:51 AM, Blogger liraelwiddershins said...

I'll send you some books! Drop me a note sometime at or you can check out the Prize Bucket on the site and see if anything there interests you. I'll only ask for a review in return. :-)


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