Saturday, November 05, 2005

Silly Stats

I admit to checking out my web stats. Some searches are pretty on-target. Others...not so much.

This past week, someone entered the search terms: "need book report on the boyfriend list by e. lockhart." Being nosey, I had to google this to see what comes up. I didn't search long enough to find a book report (or my own blog), but I did find a nice interview that I can't believe I missed when it was originally posted. But, this made me wonder: wouldn't it be faster to just write the report than to search 10 pages deep on the web?

Another one that comes up a lot is when people search for Lauren Barnholdt .... um...yes, another reference to Lauren. That should straighten things out. Not. But, you should cruise on over to her blog for all the exciting news about her upcoming book REALITY cover. Awesome blurb!

I received lots of Halloween hits from people looking for activities to tie in with Halloween picture books. Unfortunately, I had reviews, but not activities. Better luck next year.

I'm curious about this one: her stalled car humiliation stories. No clue what that was about, or how they got to my blog from that one.

But, at least I don't have Debbi's luck. Her hubby can't read her blog from work because it says the content is X - rated. Something about a word that sounds like six. (It's not X rated...just for the record!)


At 7:08 PM, Blogger Don Tate II said...

I think we are all guilty of checking our webstats. Until I discovered blogging, I used to do it almost everyday.


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