Sunday, April 17, 2005

What a Club!

Know what I love about all these author/illustrator blogs I link to? I feel like a child who has always wanted to play with the big kids. I can see their club house, but I'm stuck on the outside...wondering what they talk about, how they spend their days. The club is closed to outsiders, and they won't let me in. Occasionally, the windows and doors are open, and I can peek inside. I'm still not an official member of the club, but I'm privy to their secrets.

Blogging is so cool. I've learned more in the past few weeks than I have in years, and it's all because of the many authors who publish blogs and websites and are willing to share what they know. It's the type of education you'll never get from a textbook because it's real life. I think part of this falls under the "you don't know how much you don't know" category, which is related to "you can't ask about what you don't know you need to know." Got that?

Of course, it won't help me get published if I can't write something worthy of being read!

Other news: the weather has been gorgous here--mid 70s and sunny. We took the girls to the ballgame on Friday night. They were so well-behaved. We saw the whole game, the Royals won, and we stayed for the fireworks. Abby and Sarah think we should do this every Friday night this summer. Gee...ya think it was the popcorn, peanuts, hot dog, cotton candy and Dippin' Dots they each had before they watched an awesome fireworks show?

Our local SCBWI conference is this coming weekend. I can't wait! I have an editor appointment on Friday, and I sent in something for the first pages critique too. Poor Chris gets to handle Sarah's school fair, Abby's soccer game and a birthday party drop off all alone.


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Don Tate II said...

Best of luck with the conference!

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing at how much people miles and miles away can have in common with others. Hi, I'm Tiffany, SAHM to three, aspiring published author! Blessings to you on your efforts!

BTW, I got here through Don's blog, he's now one of my "best" blog buddies...It is true how we can formulate "real-lationships" via the web.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger liraelwiddershins said...

Good luck at the Conference! I've never been to a SCBWI one, so I'll be checking back to see how it went.


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